Saint Jerome of the Croats

Saint Jerome of the Croats (also known as St Jerome of the Illyrians)[1], is the national Catholic church of Croatia on Via Tomacelli in the Campus Martius of Rome.



It was first built in 1585-1587 for refugees from areas ruled by the Turks, and dedicated to St Jerome, who was from Dalmatia (former Roman "Illiricum")[2].The site had been given to them in 1453 (the year of the Fall of Constantinople) by Pope Nicholas V, for the construction of a hospice.

It is now a chapel of the "Croatian College" in Rome and is only open to visitors by arrangement with the College.

The next to last titular of the church was Franjo Kuharic, who died on 11 March 2002. The present titular is Josip Bozanic, who was created cardinal on 21 October 2003.

From 1585 the Titulars of the Church, originally in that year called "San Girolamo degli Illiri", were:


  1. ^ Formerly known as San Girolamo degli Schiavoni, St Jerome of the Slavs: the name changed after Croatia gained independence from Yugoslavia
  2. ^ Interior of San Girolamo degli illirici


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